Hickey, Mary St. Domitille (1882–1958)

Also known as Sister Mary Domitille was an Aotearoa New Zealand nun, school principal, historian and writer. There are some variations in her name: Mary Margaret Hickey. Sister Mary Domitille was born Mary Margaret Hickey, April 13, 1882, at Opunake, Taranaki, New Zealand; died on June 20, 1958, in Christchurch. She was the daughter of John Cornelius Hickey (constable) and Hannah (Stack) Hickey; Canterbury College, BA, 1914, MA, 1916, PhD, 1925.

Sr Domitile joined Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions in Christchurch (1905); served as principal of Sacred Heart Girls' College (1916–39), prioress (1939–43), and provincial (1943–45); helped establish Catholic Women's Conferences in Christchurch (1923); visited England as delegate to congregation's chapter, met Maria Montessori and established Montessori school in Christchurch (c. 1925); wrote textbook, A Graphic Outline of the Great War (1921); contributed articles to New Zealand Catholic Schools Journal, from 1932; was the 1st woman in New Zealand to be awarded doctorate in literature.

Sr Domitile showed characteristics of: courage, persistence, good judgment, leadership, deep human interest and lively faith.

Domitille House strive hard in all that we do, and together with the other three Houses, are proud to form part of the Catholic Cathedral College family.

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Matua Jarrod Satherley